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Meyer, Joyce,
Change your words, change your life
Cambia tus palabras, cambia tu vida
[Spanish language] :
entiende el poder de cada palabra que pronuncias /
Joyce Meyer.
New York :
x, 310 p. ;
21 cm.
The impact of words -- Taming your tongue -- Learning to say what God says -- The characteristics of a mature Christian -- What do you want in the future? -- Staying strong through the storms of life -- Defeating your enemies -- How happy do you want to be? -- Words that grieve the Holy Spirit -- Fasting your words -- Speak no evil -- Speak faith and not fear -- Dont complain -- Words of encouragement -- Love listens and speaks -- Dont let the Devil speak through you -- Do you really have to give your opinion? -- Say something good or dont say anything -- Gentle words -- Keeping your word -- Watch your mouth -- Do you want to change your life? -- A dictionary of Gods word.
"Las palabras son un gran problema. Ellos son contenedores de poder, y tenemos que decidir qu♭b tipo de poder queremos que nuestras palabras para llevar," dice Joyce Meyer en CAMBIA TUS PALABRAS, CAMBIA TU VIDA. "Creo que nuestras palabras pueden aumentar o disminuir nuestro nivel de felicidad. Pueden afectar a las respuestas a nuestras oraciones y tienen un efecto positivo o negativo sobre nuestro futuro. Se podr♭Ua decir que nuestras palabras son una pantalla de cine que revela lo que hemos estado pensando y las actitudes que tenemos." Bas♭Lndose en las premisas de Pensamientos de alimentaci♭dn y viven m♭Ls all♭L de sus emociones, se examina el tremendo poder de las palabras - que son los veh♭Uculos que transportan nuestros pensamientos y emociones - y proporciona una serie de directrices para asegurarse de que nuestra conversaci♭dn es constructiva, la curaci♭dn sana, y se utiliza para buenos resultados. En un "Diccionario de la Palabra de Dios" en la parte final del libro, Joyce ofrece docenas de vers♭Uculos de las Escrituras, ordenados por temas, que recomienda la lectura y decir en voz alta como una forma de usar y afirmando las palabras de sanaci♭dn.-- Publishers description.
In this book the author discusses the power of words and provides a guide to smart talk that can change your life. Words are a big deal. They are containers for power, and we have to decide what kind of power we want our words to carry, says the author. "I believe that our words can increase or decrease our level of joy. They can affect the answers to our prayers and have a positive or negative effect on our future. One might say that our words are a movie screen that reveals what we have been thinking and the attitudes we have." Building on the premises of her previous books, she examines the tremendous power of words, which are the vehicles that convey our thoughts and emotions, and provides a series of guidelines for making sure that our talk is constructive, healthy, healing and used to good results. In a Dictionary of Gods Word at the end of the book, the author provides dozens of scripture verses, arranged by topic, that she recommends reading and saying out loud as one way of using and claiming healing words.
Christian life.
Spiritual formation.
Language and languages.
Spiritual life
Religious aspects.